The Day Before Slice of Life

 Today is the last day of February 2021.  Tomorrow, we start on our journey in Slice of Life.  Today, I'm feeling very burnt.  It's overcast and I haven't even gone for a walk today.  I did get a lot of work done.  "Work" consisted of grading a lot of work.

I'm reading a book called Journal To The Self.  In it, there are all kinds of journal prompts.  One of the prompts just stood out to me.  The prompt declares Discover the Writer Within You.  I am thinking about how writing has always been a chore to me.  I do not want writing to be a chore for me anymore!  I want it to just as natural as the way in which I have experienced some of the best conversations of my life.  There are times when I think I just do not have the skills necessary to write.  I wrote a frickin' dissertation for pity's sake!  I can do this.

What is really bothering me about this process?  It's about the discipline.  I feel very undisciplined right now.  My previous blog post was a detailed account of a fond recollection.  I don't know if I have it in me to write like that every day.  I just programmed my iPad to wake me every morning at 5 AM.  Every morning at 5 AM!!!  I even programmed it to ring at 5 AM on Saturday and Sunday.  It is my hope that I can keep this up for a month.  In addition to keeping this process going for a month, it is my hope that I can continue doing this for life.

I feel like I have a lot to say, but haven't figured out how to say it all.  I believe that if I stick to this disciplined approach, waking every morning and sitting in front of my computer to start writing a new blog entry each day, it will help me with this practice.  I love that this challenge is open to colleagues whom I rarely get the opportunity to know.  Perhaps this process will bring me closer to them?  In any event, here's my first blog of the day, and it's 4:43 PM in the afternoon.  I have got to be better about this.  Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new me, a version of me that is embarking on a new way of being.

I like that, "a new way of being." This is a good start to my "day before" the big day and my first Slice of Life.


  1. Hi, I'm Joy and I, too, am participating in the Slice of Life Writing challenge. I so appreciated today's post as it completely resonated with some of my own doubts/reservations regarding the writing challenge. These lines jumped out at me, "What is really bothering me about this process? It's about the discipline. I feel very undisciplined right now." Your reflective post was encouraging to read. I encourage you to take the plunge and believe in yourself. You've got this! Welcome to your "new way of being."


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